Maintaining client relationships may be the most important aspect of running a successful business. Regardless of industry, making sure your clients feel appreciated is vital! We love whenever we get the opportunity to work with a team to create luxury corporate gift boxes because it is a wonderful way to build value in the relationship and stay front of mind.
Whether it is sending 5,000 client gifts to everyone who works with you or 25 gift boxes to your top accounts, thoughtful corporate gifting will have a huge impact on your client relationships.

Luxury Corporate Gift Boxes – Our Client
We had the pleasure of working with the team at Evans General Contractors to create luxury corporate gift boxes to send their clients as their corporate holiday gifts.
Evans General Contractors understand the importance of their client relationships and wanted to send clients holiday gifts that highlighted the principles of cementing relationships and listening to one another. It was also important that, because the majority of their clients are men, we put together a gender neutral gift

Luxury Corporate Gift Boxes – The Gift
In working with the team at Evans General Contractors, we put together business gifts that anyone would be thrilled to receive! These custom, luxury corporate gift boxes
include a set of Apple Airpods, delicious milk & dark chocolate squares, and the BEST smelling concrete candle. Because the focus of this gift was making 2021 better, together; the gift includes a note letting the client know that a tree was planted in their honor.

Luxury Corporate Gift Boxes – The Packaging
Evans’ luxury corporate gift boxes were packaged in our signature, pale grey gift boxes. Their logo was prominently displayed on the gift tag, notecard & insert sticker and the box was wrapped in a silk ribbon in Evans General Contractor’s brand color of red-ish maroon. Also, because we were looking for a more masculine feel, we packaged the gift in black crinkle paper.
Luxury Corporate Gift Boxes – Work with Our Team
Are you interested in sending your own luxury corporate gift boxes to your clients, team or partners? Follow the link below or contact our team directly at / 706-389-8296.